Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hey hey! It's been a while since I've been here... Um... How's it going? I would update you on my life, but 1.) We'd be here for a good while, and 2.) I'm pretty sure no one cares to read about my personal life. Hahah anyways... :) Hope everyone had a good Halloween! I didn't exactly get to post anything on here, but ah well. But hey, we have 2 more holiday's to look foward to... Thanksgiving-(YAY FOOD) and of course Christmas. :) Alright guys, I'll catch you all later!

Peace out homies!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm learning to walk again...
I believe I've waited long enough...
Where do I begin?
I'm learning to talk again...
Can't you see I've waited long enough?
Where do I begin?

-Walk, Foo Fighters

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Well it's coming down to it. I believe there's only 30-some-odd days of school left! That's always a plus... :) I don't think I'm ready to be a senior yet though. Ughhh sounds so stressful. But it'll be fun I suppose. I think it'll be a little rough leaving all the people I grew up with and have been around for the past 13 years. :( It's really quite sad... Ah, but anyways, it will definitely be nice to leave for a while, and get out and meet new people. Fun fun fun!! But anyways, I've still got nearly a year before I have to brace that. Hmm let's put that off shall we? I'm just trying to get through this year first!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Well guys... Spring break is unfortunately over...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hey you bloggie people you! How's it going with you all? So guess what today is?! It is the last day before spring break. Thank God for that. That's right! An entire week of nothing but me soaking up the sun! (Providing it doesn't rain...) Camping, and traveling and loving nature. Hmm... sounds like a good week to me. :) I wonder does this mark the official start of spring? I'm loving it anyways! Well you guys have fun now! Have a great weekend ya'll.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's here!

This is the cutest clover!

Well, lasses and lads, if you follow my blog then you oughta know what today is! Yep you guessed it. 'Tis St. Patrick's Day. Everything Irish and green, with clovers and such! Ah, such a brilliant holiday. And to all of you who didn't wear green, you deserve a pinchin'... Well Happy Clover Day to all!