Monday, February 28, 2011


Picture from:

Well, how about that storm last night? I found it quite entertaing to be dragged outta bed a 3:15 this morning. Ugh. Talk about awful timing... Just saying. And that's what we get for living near tornado alley. (At least it's not Kansas....) But I love me a good storm every now and then. Anyways you could tell last night that there was something coming. The weather was a little too eerie for February. Particularly when it was like 45 degrees the rest of the day, then like 65 degrees at night? It did feel amazing though, and I was outside sitting on the porch enjoying it. But hopefully it'll start warming up before long and we can spend time outside in capris and flip-flops with out a tornado. Heheheh.... Well, I think that's all for today. G'bye!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Picture from:

If you’re going to be successful, you have to take some big risks.

This is a picture of none other than Steven Tyler, of Aerosmith. The reason I picked this one is because he is a performer, who followed his dream and he looks like he's having so much fun doing what he loves. If you want to follow your dreams you have to take some big risks. Life is all about enjoying your time, and doing what you want. It's hard to do that sometimes, but you have to keep yourself happy. Hopefully it will all pay off in the end.

Actually I think this picture goes against A Raisin in the Sun, because they pretty much just let their dreams die, and fall apart. I understand it's hard to follow your dreams when everybody in your life wants something different, but that doesn't exactly mean to give up on them. In Walter's defence he did take a huge risk, and and it failed misrably. He just put his faith in the wrong people.

You should hold on to your dreams.

Picture from:

You should hold on to your dreams; if you work hard enough, they'll come true.

This picture is of a man walking down a deserted road. The road represents the long way to get to your dreams. It's a long winding road, often lonely, and deserted. The point is, you have to continue to walk down that road and follow it no matter where it takes you. If you are eating, sleeping and dreaming with that one thing on your mind, you could possibly get there.

I think this also goes along with A Raisin in the Sun, because Walter is forever chasing his dreams. If he would've continued that walk without making stupid mistakes, and decisions, he might have made it, and done what he wanted to with his life.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Well, I've got five minutes left of class, so I'm gonna put up a small post... Heh... Anyways, I realize I complain about the weather a lot... But not this week! It is ahhhh-----mazing!!! I love how great it feels outside. It makes me so happy I could scream! Haha well, that's about the best part of my day so far, but it's only 3rd period. Have a happy weekend ya'll!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I complain about the weather A Lot, but why is it when we have a few days where it's pretty, and the sun is shining, we're under a blizzard warning the next week?! Does anyone else see what's wrong with this? Ah well, can't argue with Mother Nature, you'll always lose.