Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lessons went great tonight. I'm really liking that new music I got. It's really bouncy sounding, and cute. I love when I start learning new music, because it reminds me of why I started playing in the beginning. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it's great, ya know? Doing what makes you happy. :)

I've also figured out how hard it is to type with a 16 month old baby on your lap. I'm at home trying to type this, and she thinks it's hilarious to hit random buttons when sis is busy..... Needless to say, it took me nearly 10 minutes to get all this on here.... Yea... haha But anyway, I'm gonna stop typing now because she wants attention.... Buh-Bye.


bree(: said...

I need to see that baby sister of yours! I bet she's cuter by the minute :)

Brittany said...

she's a cutie! lol i love her to pieces. she's walking now (running). lol and attempting to talk.

bree(: said...

awwww :) i love little kids! they're soooo adorable :)


Brittany said...

i know lol!