Thursday, November 18, 2010

Meet Aaron

A 21 year old from the back woods in South Dakota, Aaron Traynne is looking for a way out. He ends up in college in New York trying to become a photographer, and working part time in a coffee house. Always a player, Mr. Cool, gets thrust on a bridge in Manhattan, and gets slapped in the face with love. After a trumatic experience where he later finds the girl in the hospital where they both end up, he relizes he can't live without her. After 3 months he finds his true calling by being in the Air Force. It rips the 2 of them apart when his unit blows up, leaving a unique scar on his face. Broken hearts pull them apart, but can a new little someone bring them back?

Hmm.... I just relized how fast this month is going. Where does the time go?

Wow! It has pretty much been forever since I've been on here. Not a lot has been going on, so I don't exactly know what to talk about... Um, only a few days until Thanksgiving. About a week I do believe! I'm excited about getting fat over the holidays. Hahahah! Well not really, but I am looking foward to all the food.

Friday, October 29, 2010

AAAGGGHHHHH! So all weekend i will be spending my time trick or treating! This is gonna be epic! The only thing that would make this better is a big party, with lotsa creepy music!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Isn't it crazy how fast time goes? It's already 2 days till Halloween.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Movie Review

Could you imagine growing up thinking you're an orphan? Or knowing you're parents are out there who may, or may not want you? Everybody has a kind of comfort blanket, or something to turn to to make eveything better. Well in August Rush, 11 year old Evan Taylor grew up in a boys home, always being picked on and known as a "freak," because he follows the music. After sneaking out, smack in the middle of New York, he find that all there are some good things and quite a few bad places where the music takes him. He eventually finds himself as a prodigy at Juliard, one of the top music academy's in the nation, where he actually gets to write his own piece and conducts it. Somehow through all the music he finds that maybe music can reunite families.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My cereal!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

1. The most surprising fact, was that if myspace was it's own country, it would be the 8th largest.  That is just absolutely nuts.  Just think about how many people have used myspace, at any given point in time.  This makes me want to rid myself of any computer or anything that involves the internet.  Computers/internet, have become such a huge part of our lives, and are all but running it.  Honestly it makes me want to get off my butt and get off this computer and find something more time worthy to do. It pretty much sickens me, because life is so short, and yet, here we are wasting time on them. Well, that's just my opinion.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lessons went great tonight. I'm really liking that new music I got. It's really bouncy sounding, and cute. I love when I start learning new music, because it reminds me of why I started playing in the beginning. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it's great, ya know? Doing what makes you happy. :)

I've also figured out how hard it is to type with a 16 month old baby on your lap. I'm at home trying to type this, and she thinks it's hilarious to hit random buttons when sis is busy..... Needless to say, it took me nearly 10 minutes to get all this on here.... Yea... haha But anyway, I'm gonna stop typing now because she wants attention.... Buh-Bye.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

31 Days till Halloween! Can't wait!

Friday, September 24, 2010

i found this, and thought it was way to great! mrs. smith will probably flip when she sees this, but it's sooooo funny!! i want one in my yard!

Wednesday was the fall equinox which means it's fall!! So, it's getting close to October, which is my favorite month! This means cool decorations, jack o lanterns, haunted houses, parties, and car-loads of candy!!! (And plenty of cavities in November.....) I'm super excited about all this! What costume should I wear? I'm thinking the classic witch? Last year I was a banshee. Hahahaha!! I have way to much fun with this holiday. I think I started planning for it like in August. :) Well, I think I'll do something crazy and fun this year. Gotta have tons of friends to enjoy it with! Well, Happy Fall!

So, I've become obssessed with clovers. And look, this one's made of Celtic Knots. This would make a cute tattoo, I think. :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I find myself wondering, 'why do wolves howl at the moon?' Has that question ever been answered? These are the questions that haunt me....

So, today I'm super excited! I started marimba lessons last night! Woohoo! But anyway I got music for my solo! Yay! It's also my first time particapating in Solo and Ensemble. I figured since I'm wanting to major in performing, I thought maybe, just maybe, it would be a good idea.

Along with the music, I'll be starting guitar, vocal, and piano lessons soon. Plus the marimba lessons... Yea I'm trying to cram as many lessons into my schedule as possible before college. So I've got like 2 years. Hopefully this will all work out in my favor. Wish me bunches of luck!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

About Me

So, a little about me: I am 17 years old for starters. I'm a junior at Pike Central High School. I'm not so much into sports, but I'm in marching band, in which I play the snare. Music is my life. I love perfroming. Singing, playing the drums or anything like that. I enjoy it all!

My favorite colors are green and silver. My favorite gem is an emerald. If I could go one place in the world I would visit Ireland. Which is kinda ironic because St. Patrick's Day is one of my favorite holidays. My other is Halloween. Yea I like the strange holidays no one else likes. :) But that's just me.

I'm a history junkie. My favorite topics are the Civil War and the Salem Witch Trials. That kind of thing intrigues me. Well that's just a little about me.

Keep Rockin'!